Saturday, 9 July 2016

Time to pack up, the Fort McMurray YARD SALE

So the crunch has finally come and we are getting ready to leave town now. Life was put on hold with the recent Fort McMurray fires, hence the long time since the last post. Plans are moving along now and things are finally coming together. When going through all our possessions and deciding what to get rid of made me realise how much of a consumer we are in today's society as I had only been living in Fort McMurray for 4 1/2 years yet had so much stuff.
Initially I found it hard to get rid of things, to sell them or otherwise but once you start asking yourself the tough questions I found the sell pile becoming bigger and bigger. I also have a new resolution, however who knows if I will remember it; and that's to be less of a consumer. The yard sale made me realise how much stuff I thought I needed but did not actually use that much. Any ways enough philosophy about that for today.
The yard sale did make me feel so much closer to going though it is amazing how liberating it can become once you get into it.

The deck where everything must go

Already sold the car just waiting for the new owner with the cash.