So Just Dreamin's new home is in Tsehum Harbour see below pictures on the mooring with new solar panel and davits installed on previous post. I found webcam which enables me to keep an eye on my dream from Fort McMurray see circled picture below
So short term repairs of the infamous delivery run were to have a diver go done and through bolt the hole in the boat with large washers as a more permanent solition to the dish rag but time has now come to fix it properly so the boat was hauled out to replace the fitting with a new one. Also at the same time some new dinghy davits, solar panel and dinghy were installed on the boat taking advantage of the boat being out on the hard.
See below the inside sapce on the boat that has become the workshop
So the first day sail on the new boat happened today where we just went for a cruise around the Sidney spit for the day. All told it was a marvellous day with great weather.
The name of the boat from the previous owner was "Starship" this felt a little bit space cadet to me and did not ring true. The brainstorming was on from friends and family to come up with a name. The winning name was supplied by long time family friend Hannele in discussion with my mum and dad back in Australia. The name was "Just Dreamin". This really hit a chord with me and so the new name was found but as with all things nautical to change a name of a vessel requires a boat name changing ceremony to ensure fair wind and seas in the future. Also a lot of drinking and eating and drinking. See below the naming ceremony where we renamed the boat at my Aunt and Uncles yacht club (Capital City Yacht Club)
Boat Renaming ceromony with family and friends on the fore deck
I think we can fit more people in the cockpit
My mate Pat supervising my uncle Dave as the new name goes on
So my Uncle Dave and Aunty Pat graciously agreed to deliver my boat from the USA to Vancouver Island for me and her new home is Tsehum Harbour. However my Aunty Pat flexed her arm muscles and managed to break off one of the metal through hulls for the sink with her bare hands. Fortunately my Aunt and Uncle were able to effect emergency repairs with an old dish cloth to get the boat safely to the island.